Contact Us
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing Contact Information
Customer Care Line: 1-800-365-7107
Correspondence Address
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
PO Box 10826
Greenville, SC 29603-0826
General Payment Address
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
P.O. Box 650840
Dallas, TX 75265-0840
Overnight Payment Address
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
Attn: Payment Processing
75 Beattie Place, Suite LL202
Greenville, SC 29601
Notice of Error or Information Request Address
You have certain rights under Federal law related to resolving errors in the servicing of your loan and requesting information about your loan. To request information about your loan or if you believe we have made an error servicing your loan, send your request for information or error resolution to:
Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing
P.O. Box 10826
Greenville, SC 29603-0826